vineri, 30 decembrie 2011

Mariana Marin, Elegy

She had been forced to go on living
at life's limits
(and that for quite some time!)
in the terrible young years of the dream
and the hollow wall.
Her soft hair did not fall
across any of this ever,
neither was her walk that of the doe.
Her secret mania and the sickness have though
given her something:
the passion of describing the self from every point
and in depth.
The illness clamped itself one day to her throat so sweetly
that, looking at each other lazily, calmly,
she put a stop to the game
that made her so beautiful

and so mean.

Translated from the Romanian by
Stephen Watts & Claudiu Komartin

4 comentarii:

  1. Poem calatorit prin English countryside si recitat in "sanatoriul mustelor"(te citez) din casa Lordington. O dimineata cu "nori murdari si obositi" (Bogza), apoi nevoia mea de a fi hranita cu multa multa poezie si Meg strecurandu se in camera cu pereti albasti si umbrele cucuvaielor la drum de noapte... Multumiri.

  2. minunat poem și minunată traducere. felicitări! :)

  3. Fotografie de Tudor Jebeleanu, preluata de la adresa:
